Lisa Rogers

Lisa is a 5th generation Floridian descended from pioneering farmers who came to the state in the 1840’s. They put down roots in what is now the Ocala National Forest, where Lisa lives in the family’s 150-year-old cracker house on the same land her ancestors settled. She has two grown sons (32 and 35) who have given her constant support and motivation in pursuing her career as an artist.

Lisa grew up in “Old Florida” style, surrounded by extended family and countless friends. She was especially influenced by her grandmother, a remarkable woman who made hats from palm fronds, clothes from scraps of antique cloth, and baskets from pine needles. She once made a pair of slippers for Lisa, cutting the sole from an old inner tube, and crocheting the tops. Early on, Lisa discovered a life-long passion for creating art, and an appreciation for using whatever materials were available.

Though she worked for attorneys in Ocala for many years, Lisa’s desire to create never diminished. As soon as her boys were old enough, she went back to college and began to re-engage in the arts. She tried her hand at various crafts, but always found painting to be the medium that allowed the greatest self-expression. She is mostly self-taught, though with the help of countless books, classes, and workshops, and endless experimentation on canvas.

Lisa’s work reflects her Florida roots, her emotions, memories, and experiences.   She applies acrylic paints, inks, graphite, and charcoal with palette knives, brushes and various other implements.   Her technique includes heavy application of the medium, subtracting and rubbing away, and adding more, until she feels the right balance in value, color, and texture are achieved.

Art festivals are the primary venue for exhibiting her work, and Lisa participates every year in 15 or more festivals across Florida and the Southeast. Her philosophy is simple -- painting is meant to be enjoyed! She relishes the creative process, and when Lisa produces a painting she is happy with, and which also speaks to others, she knows she has accomplished what she set out to do

